Youth Ministry
All youth grades 6-12 are welcome to attend Youth Group Wednesday nights from 7-8:30! Come meet other Catholic Youth, learn about Jesus and our catholic Faith, and have fun!
Summer Events!
2024 Events Coming Soon!
Come Holy Spirit!
The age of reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation has been changed to 7th grade. In addition we have moved back to a two year program in an effort to better serve our youth.
The sacrament of Confirmation is the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit as once granted to the apostles on the day of Pentecost. Confirmation bring an increase and deepening of baptismal grace: it unites us more firmly to Christ, it increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit (wisdom, understanding, right judgment, courage, knowledge, reverence and awe) in us, it renders our bond with the Church more perfect, it gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ, to confess the name of Christ boldly, and never to be ashamed of the Cross.
(CC1302-1303 & 1299)
Confirmation Requirements
The first step is to register your children, so we know who is interested in participating this year. This will help us format and plan the programs to best serve the children and families. Whether you registered last year or not, we need you to register for this year. Please register online: Click Here We are also seeking parishioners to assist catechize our youth. Please reach out to if interested.
You must be a registered parishioner of Sacred heart Parish to enroll your child. If you are not registered with us and would like to be, you can register your family at our front office.
You will need to provide a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate at the time of program registration, unless they were baptized at Sacred Heart, Enumclaw.
To offset the cost of the programs there is a fee of $50 for year 1, and $100 for year to cover the retreat. If you need financial assistance, please indicate so on your registration form.
Come to class! We have a great year planned for the kids and it is so important that attending class is a priority.
Year 1:
Attend Youth Group weekly
Attend Mass on Sundays: Confirmation is an important part of the life of a practicing Catholic. It’s another opportunity to say “yes” to God. Attending Mass is the most important part of our week.
Year 2:
1. Choose a Sponsor
Look first to one of your Baptismal godparents. Because of the connection between the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, the Church encourages you to invite your godmother or godfather to be your Confirmation sponsor. “It is desirable that the one who undertook the role of sponsor (godparent) at Baptism be your sponsor at Confirmation” (Code of Canon Law, Canon 893).
Your sponsor must be a baptized and confirmed Catholic but cannot be your mother or father. What does it mean to live a life in harmony with the Catholic Church? You are looking for a person who is:
• Faithful to Sunday Mass and to the reception of the sacraments.
• A living witness to the Catholic faith.
• A person of prayer.
• Aware of a Christian’s responsibility to follow Jesus in service of others. Someone who donates time or money to help the poor, works with youth, visits the homebound, helps out at the local food pantry, or does other forms of service.
• Honest. A person of integrity who is willing to speak up and stand up for what is right even in the face of opposition. A person who encourages you to do the same.
• Someone you know well and who knows you well. Someone with whom you will have an on-going relationship.
Did you recognize anyone in the description above? Think about the people in your life: aunts, uncles, older sisters or brothers, a parent of a friend, a neighbor, or a teacher at school. It is a huge privilege to be asked to be a Confirmation sponsor. The person you choose should recognize this and take it seriously.
He/she should be your prayer partner and mentor in faith long after the oil of Confirmation has gone from your forehead. Once you have chosen, please fill out the Confirmation Sponsor Form, to be handed out in class.
2. Choose a Confirmation Name/ Patron Saint
As you prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation you are asked to choose a Confirmation saint as your patron/patroness. At your Confirmation you will be confirmed using this name. You may choose your Baptismal name, select a name from the Bible, or a canonized saint of the Catholic Church. The saint you choose should reflect a devotion you have to the saint, virtues or gifts to which you aspire, or the patron saint of certain gifts that are dear to you.
· Read and learn about several saints and their lives before making your choice. You can choose a saint of either gender.
· Pray about the saint you are considering.
· Fill out the Patron Saint Form and turn it in· Danielle will approve your selection of a saint
3. Attend Youth Group on Wednesdays
We will be learning all sorts of important things! Make sure you sign in so your attendance counts.
4. Attend Mass on Sundays
Confirmation is an important part of the life of a practicing Catholic. It’s another opportunity to say “yes” to God. Attending Mass is the most important part of our week.
5. Do a volunteer project
Choose a cause that you care about! Volunteer with animals, with the elderly, outdoors, or even at your school! If you need help check out the resources listed on the Parish website, or email Once you have completed your project please fill out the Confirmation Service Project Form located on the website.
6. Attend the Confirmation retreat
The actual date of the Sacrament of Confirmation is to be determined.