Holy Family Cemetery
Holy Family Cemetery is located on approximately one acre of pastureland off Southeast 400th Street on the Enumclaw plateau. When the cemetery was founded the community around it was known as Krain, and residents still reference the area by that name today.
According to church records, the cemetery of St. Gall the Abbot was purchased for Holy Family Church from Matens and Marie Medie in April 1900. Holy Family Church, a satellite parish to Sacred Heart, stood east of the cemetery until the 1960s/early ‘70s. The Medies came from a small town in Austria and had helped found Holy Family Church in 1889.
It is not known when the cemetery lost its distinctive St. Gall the Abbot name, but for whatever reason it eventually became known as Holy Family Cemetery. It is also sometimes referred to simply as the Krain Cemetery.
For more than 120 years on November 1, in the tradition of the area’s ancestors and the celebration of The Feast of All Saints, as the sun sets, parish and community members gather to pray the Rosary and light candles on the graves of the dearly departed.
It is interesting to note that the oldest dated marker in the cemetery that of Mary Kump, Jan. 4, 1890, to Jan. 15, 1993.
Through the generous donation of the late Sally Richter and the hard work and dedication of the Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee, in 2017 Archbishop Sartain consecrated a new section of the cemetery and a number of improvements were completed.
Those additional plots as well as some plots in the historic section are available for purchase. Parishioners interested in purchasing gravesites for burial in Holy Family Cemetery at Krain may call the parish office for more information.

Archbishop Sartain Blessing new section of Cemetery April 2017
Archbishop Sartain Cemetery Blessing April 2017

All Saints and All Souls Nov 2020

November 2020

All Souls Day November 1, 2021

All Souls Day November 1, 2021