MIssion Statement:
We have a co-responsibility with the clergy, to advance the Mission of the Church. Our mission as Knights is to empower Catholic men to live their faith and promote life by serving their family, parish, community and country.
Our goal is to strengthen men and their families in the Catholic faith. Formation in our faith goes beyond mere facts or religious practice to an authentic connection with a loving God and his son Jesus Christ.
Sacred Heart Faith in Action – Faith Programs:
Refund Support Vocations: The Refund Support Vocations programs assists our seminarians and postulants with financial and moral assistance. As the strong right arm of the church, the Knights of Columbus are committed to providing moral, financial and spiritual support to future priests and religious at all stages of their formation.
Building the Domestic Church: Help strengthen families as the domestic church by providing exceptional religious education materials to all Catholics.
Holy Hour: Encourage a profound personal encounter with God.
Rosary: Build faithful families and communities through rosary prayer.
Faith In Action
Our Founder Father McGivney sought to strengthen the bonds of families in his parish and the Knights of Columbus. These programs, created for families by families, help us to live this call
Sacred Heart Faith in Action – Family Programs:
Consecration to the Holy Family: Invite each family of the parish to consecrate themselves to the Holy Family.
Food for Families: Help end hunger in Enumclaw and the plateau.
Family of the month/year: The Council selects a Family of the Month from the parish that models Christian family values and visibly lives them every day.
Good Friday Family Promotion: Bring families into more robust practice and understanding of our Catholic faith and the triduum.
Keep Christ in Christmas: Promote the true spirit of Christmas in our homes, schools, parishes, and community.
Knights are called to serve others. Our principle is Charity – at home with our families and in our communities. When Knights of Columbus members come together, they accomplish great things.
Sacred Heart Faith in Action – Community Programs:
Knights of Columbus Coats for the needy: Provide the gift of warmth to those in need in Enumclaw and the plateau.
Catholic Citizen Essay Contest: Encourage youth citizens grounded in their faith through creative writing.
Helping Hands: Put faith into action and help those less fortunate in our community.
The Knights of Columbus vigorously defends the dignity of each human being at every stage of life.
Sacred Heart Faith in Action – Life Programs:
Aid and Support After Pregnancy (ASAP): Support pregnant women, mothers and their babies by serving pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes.
Novena for Life: Lead the community in the spiritual fight to establish a culture of life.
March for Life: Show public support for the right to life.
Pregnancy Center Support: Provide much-needed spiritual and maternal support for mothers, fathers and their children before and after birth.