Baptism with Formation in English
Sacred Heart Parish invites all parents with children aged infant to 6 years old to begin the process of getting their children baptized. Fill out this form and one of our parish staff will be in touch with you.
Para obtener información sobre la formación en español, envíe un correo electrónico a lilia@sacredheartenumclaw.org
New Parishioner Parish Registration
Faith Formation Registration
Register here for all Sacramental Preparation for youth including 1st Communion (students may begin preparation in 1st grade) and Confirmation (6th-12th Grade). Registration will close August 28th. Classes are held on Wednesdays starting September 11th. 1st Communion Classes are from 6:30-7:30, and Confirmation classes are 7-8:30.
Regístrese aquí para toda la preparación sacramental para los jóvenes, incluyendo la 1 ª Comunión (los estudiantes pueden comenzar la preparación en el 1er grado) y la Confirmación (6 º-12 º grado). La inscripción se cerrará el 28 de agosto. Las clases se imparten los miércoles a partir del 11 de septiembre. Las clases de 1ra Comunión son de 6:30-7:30, y las clases de Confirmación son de 7-8:30.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Register here for Adults seeking baptism, First Communion, or Confirmation. Classes will be every other Monday from 6:30-8pm start September 9th
Regístrese aquí para Adultos que buscan el bautismo, Primera Comunión o Confirmación. Las clases serán cada dos lunes de 6:30-8pm comienzan el 9 de septiembre
Program Fees:
Our program fees help us to offset the cost of curriculum, snacks, and various materials needed to create an effective classroom and help your children grow in faith. If you need financial assistance please reach out to danielle@sacredheartenumclaw.org or lilia@sacredheartenumclaw.org
First Communion: Year 1-$50 Year 2- $50
Children’s Bible Study: $35
Confirmation: Year 1- $50 Year 2 -$100 (for Confirmation Retreat)