Liturgical Ministries

The teachings of our Church tell us that good liturgy is a public prayer to God through unity with Jesus Christ in His Church. The most important thing all of us do at Mass is pray. Sometimes Christ stirs one’s heart to assist at Mass in service to our Lord in other and extraordinary ways.  Some of the ways that Christ might call one to deepen their relationship with Him in liturgy are below. Want to know more about these particular ministires, read here and here!

For those of you are who already liturgical ministers.  Thank you for your gift of service in helping our parish worship!

Our Liturgical Ministries include:

Altar servers: To assist the priest in a particular way in the sanctuary during the Sacred Liturgy is the role of altar servers. This ministry of service and care is open to children, youth and adults once they have received First Communion.

Artisans and Environment:  Making the House of the Lord look beautiful and seasonally appropriate is the work of our artisans.  Their work is behind the scenes, perhaps, but the results are in front of all of us as we pray.

Eucharistic Ministers: The priest may be assisted in the distribution of Communion by other priests who happen to be present. If such priests are not present and there is a very large number of communicants, the priest may call upon extraordinary ministers to assist him, i.e., duly instituted acolytes or even other faithful who have been deputed for this purpose In case of necessity, the priest may depute suitable faithful for this single occasion.  This ministry is open to confirmed Catholics in good standing.

Lectors: In the absence of an instituted lector, other laypersons may be commissioned to proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture. They should be truly suited to perform this function and should receive careful preparation, so that the faithful by listening to the readings from the sacred texts may develop in their hearts a warm and living love for Sacred Scripture. Lectors must be confirmed Catholics in good standing and have the gifts to proclaim the Word of God well.

Liturgy Planners: Good liturgy does not just happen.  Our liturgy planners meet throughout the year, in anticipation of each season, and give careful thought to the words and music, the actions and movements, the sights and sounds of each season. Working closely with Father Davis, our chief liturgist, and reading the guidelines and directives of the Church closely, our liturgy planners strive to bring our liturgies fully alive.

Eucharistic Visitors to the Homebound:  These Ministers to the Sick go to the hospitals, nursing homes and private homes of our sick and frail parishioners to bring them the Blessed Sacrament and carry out the corporal works of mercy.  Their ministry is one of caring and inclusion as they keep our sick ones included in our prayers and our sharing in the Eucharist..

Musicians and Instrumentalists:  Singing is praying twice!  And this ministry has as its goal to help all the assembly to sing God’s praises!  At every Sunday liturgy (including the Saturday Vigil Mass) our pastoral musicians help us to pray and respond to God through music.  There is room for many more in our choirs.  Adults, youth and children are all welcome.   Please come join us.

Sacristans:  God is in the details and our ministry of sacristan is all about the details that make up our worship. Another ministry behind the scenes, our sacristans make sure that all of the other ministries are ready to worship and have everything that they need to in order to perform their ministries.  This ministry of service works closely with the altar servers and the presider to help our liturgies flow smoothly.

Ushers and Greeters:  Our ushers are the hosts and hostesses of our worship.  They are the first smiling face that people see and often the last one as well.  They work hard to anticipate the needs of those at Mass and are there in case of difficulty or trouble.  And at the core of all they do, is the strong desire to make everyone feel welcome in the House of God.