Two Minute Announcements for Feb. 9
Due to increased attendance at our weekend Masses the 8am Mass is now open for people to attend in-person. This Mass will continue to be live-streamed.
AS INTEREST IN PUBLIC MASS INCREASES, we are looking for more volunteers to assist in ushering, cleaning, and registration check-in. Volunteers are essential for us to provide the safest possible environment for our public masses. If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities, please contact Moiya Callahan at
To show Mathew Weisbeck our tremendous appreciation for all of his years of service you are invited to participate in the following ways:
Attend or watch a livestream Mass on the weekend of February 13-14 in thanksgiving for Mathew’s gifts and service to our community, and to witness the dedication of the Mathew J. Weisbeck Parish Hall in a special closing blessing.
“Bucket of Love”-Write Mathew thank you cards and letters of affirmation. These letters will be given to Mathew on February 21. You can either drop cards off at Church in the narthex or send to the Parish Office (1614 Farrelly St, Enumclaw, WA 98022). Letters/cards will still be collected and delivered after February 21, but we encourage you to submit yours by February 21st if possible, to be included in the large bucket of letters.
You can also contribute pictures, video, or messages through
On Sunday, February 21 at 7pm you are invited to participate in “Light the Night for Mathew.”
We will gather outside the front doors of the Church for prayer or you can participate from home.
Light a candle for Mathew as a way of showing your support and love and to thank him for being a light in our parish and lives.
Ash Wednesday, February 17th
Ash Wednesday opens Lent, a season of fasting and prayer. We will be having two Ash Wednesday Masses:
12pm Ash Wednesday Mass in English
7pm Ash Wednesday Mass in Spanish
We will also have a bilingual celebration at 5pm with the Liturgy of the Word and distribution of Ashes. Please be aware this is not a Mass.
Registration is required for each of these celebrations. We can only allow 100 participants per celebration. So once that number is reached we can not allow anyone else to enter the church.
Please be aware that facemasks and safe distancing are required at all times. We ask that you continue to perform your health check and not attend if you are experiencing any symptoms or feeling sick.
Together, if we are keeping in mind the principles of control (pre-screening, hand washing and preparing of pews) and mitigation (wearing masks, physical distancing and reduction of time together), we should be confident about worshiping together!
For Lent For Life – CRS Rice Bowl
The start of Lent is also the start of our annual CRS Rice Bowl program. Rice bowls and Rice Bowl Lenten calendars will be handed out at the Ash Wednesday services, and the first Sunday of Lent. If you’d like a sneak peek at this year’s meatless soup recipes or this year’s featured countries, just go to!