Two Minute Announcements for Feb. 2

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Ash Wednesday, February 17th

Ash Wednesday opens Lent, a season of fasting and prayer. We will be having two Ash Wednesday Masses:

  • 12pm Ash Wednesday Mass in English

  • 7pm Ash Wednesday Mass in Spanish

We will also have a bilingual celebration at 5pm with the Liturgy of the Word and distribution of Ashes. Please be aware this is not a Mass.

Registration is required for each of these celebrations. We can only allow 100 participants per celebration. So once that number is reached we can not allow anyone else to enter the church.

Please be aware that facemasks and safe distancing are required at all times. We ask that you continue to perform your health check and not attend if you are experiencing any symptoms or feeling sick.

Together, if we are keeping in mind the principles of control (pre-screening, hand washing and preparing of pews) and mitigation (wearing masks, physical distancing and reduction of time together), we should be confident about worshiping together!


Retirement of Mathew Weisbeck - Retiro de Mathew Weisbeck


Anuncios de Sagrado Corazon Febrero 2