This Sunday-Mass in person & Live stream! Feb. 7
This weekend we celebrate the fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. "In today’s Gospel we also notice the importance of prayer in Jesus’ daily life. Jesus rose early in the morning, removed himself from the crowds, and went to a deserted place to pray. When the disciples found him, he told them that it was time to move on. We believe that in his prayers Jesus found guidance and direction from God. We also bring our decision-making to God in prayer, asking for his guidance and direction in our lives." [Loyola Press]
We are so thankful to celebrate together as a community whether it be in person or virtually.
Here is our Mass schedule:
Saturday, 5pm-Mass in English at Sacred Heart
Sunday, 8am Live-stream Mass, 9am Virtual Coffee Hour via Zoom
Sunday, 10am-Mass in English at Sacred Heart
Sunday, 1pm-Mass in Spanish at Sacred Heart and Live-stream
Monday, 9am-Mass in English at Sacred Heart
Thursday, 9am-Mass in English at Sacred Heart followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (9:30am-8pm).
We want to invite all those who feel comfortable to attend Mass in-person! Our parish along with others in the Seattle Archdiocese are following safety precautions to make attending Mass as safe as possible.
Sunday Live-Stream Mass at 8am & Coffee Hour at 9am
Live-Stream Mass on YouTube:
Sunday worship aid:
We hope you will join us and sing along!
Coffee Hour on Zoom at 9am
Meeting ID: 964 9270 9875
To join via phone call: 1-253-215-8782
And if you Need Sacramental Help…
If you need to go to Confession, if you need the Anointing of the Sick, or if you need to talk to Father Davis: Please call us and we can connect you 360-825-3759.
We remember and pray for every member of our parish in our daily prayers and in the private Mass that Father Davis prays every day. Father Davis would like to include your personal intentions in his daily Mass. Fill our a prayer request form:
If you wish to schedule a Mass intention for daily Mass please email Brenda or call the parish office.