Behold, the Heart that loves so much!

¡He aquí el Corazón que tanto ha amado!

Sacred Heart MASS TIMES

Saturday: 5:30 PM (English)

Sunday: 9 AM (English)

12 PM Noon (en Español, homily in English & Español)

Monday: 9 AM

Wednesday: 6pm

Thursday: 9 AM

Friday: 9 AM

Holy Days of Obligation: 9AM and 7PM


Wednesdays: After 6pm Mass until all are heard.



  • 9:30AM-9PM in the Chapel

The Chapel is open for prayer 24/7. For the code please contact the parish office.

La capilla está abierta para la oración 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana. Para obtener el código, póngase en contacto con la oficina parroquial.

Weekend Masses & Confession in our Parish Family:

St Aloysius, Buckley:

Mass: Saturday 4 PM, Sunday 11 AM

Confession: Saturdays at 3 PM

St. Barbara, Black Diamond:

Mass: Saturday 5 PM, Sunday 8 AM & 10 AM

Confession: Thursday at 5PM


January Women's Gathering

Navigating Life’s Choices: Insights from St. Ignatius

Do you sometimes have a hard time making decisions?

Have you ever wanted help discerning God’s voice?

Join us for a special event where you’ll discover St. Ignatius' rules for discernment—timeless tools to help you navigate all of life’s decisions, from the everyday to the extraordinary.

Event Details

  • Date:Sunday, January 12th, 2024

  • Time: 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM

  • Location: St. Barbara Catholic Church (Parish Hall and Church)

Parish Updates/Información Parroquial

Flocknote (Espanol)

Flocknote (English)

tithing: an aspect of life with christ | el diezmo: un aspecto de la vida con cristo

A pledge is a commitment to tithe a certain amount to the parish for the calendar year.

You can use this link to tithe electronically, including one-time collections such as our Pro-Life causes (Prepares), Peter’s Pence, Holy Land etc. If you are a registered parishioner, you may also receive envelopes for tithing at the parish.

Support Sacred Heart Church when you shop

If you use this link when you shop on Amazon, we will receive a donation from Amazon!

“We do not believe in an ethereal God, we believe in a God who became flesh, who has a heart and this heart today speaks to us”
~ Pope Francis ~
”Nosotros no creemos en un Dios etéreo, creemos en un Dios que se hizo carne, que tiene un corazón, y ese corazón hoy nos habla así”
~ Papa Francisco ~