Behold, the Heart that loves so much!
¡He aquí el Corazón que tanto ha amado!
Sacred Heart MASS TIMES
Saturday: 5:30 PM (English)
Sunday: 9 AM (English)
12 PM Noon (en Español, homily in English & Español)
Monday: 9 AM
Wednesday: 6pm
Thursday: 9 AM
Friday: 9 AM
Wednesdays: After 6pm Mass until all are heard.
9:30AM-9PM in the Chapel
The Chapel is open for prayer 24/7. For the code please contact the parish office.
La capilla está abierta para la oración 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana. Para obtener el código, póngase en contacto con la oficina parroquial.
Weekend Masses & Confession in our Parish Family:
St Aloysius, Buckley:
Mass: Saturday 4 PM, Sunday 11 AM
Confession: Saturdays at 3 PM
St. Barbara, Black Diamond:
Mass: Saturday 5 PM, Sunday 8 AM & 10 AM
Confession: Thursday at 5P
Holy Week Schedule
Holy Thursday:
7 PM Mass (Bilingual)
Adoration until Midnight
Good Friday:
3 PM Stations of the Cross (English)
5 PM Living Stations (Bilingual)
7 PM Communion Service (English)
Easter Vigil
7 PM Vigil Mass (Bilingual)
Easter Sunday
9 AM
12 PM (Spanish)
Youth Grades 8-12 are Invited to join us for Steubenville Youth Conference in July!
Location: Spokane Convention Center
Dates: July 11-13, 2025
Cost: Approx. $400 (total group number affects the cost) Scholarships available! Cost includes travel, lodging, conference fee, and food.
Lodging: A Room in the Davenport Grand, up to four to a room.
Join us as we travel by bus with youth from other parishes to a weekend of amazing speakers, bands, and friendship! Meet thousands of other Catholic youth and grow in your faith.
Parish Updates/Información Parroquial
Flocknote (Espanol)
Flocknote (English)
tithing: an aspect of life with christ | el diezmo: un aspecto de la vida con cristo
A pledge is a commitment to tithe a certain amount to the parish for the calendar year.
You can use this link to tithe electronically, including one-time collections such as our Pro-Life causes (Prepares), Peter’s Pence, Holy Land etc. If you are a registered parishioner, you may also receive envelopes for tithing at the parish.

“We do not believe in an ethereal God, we believe in a God who became flesh, who has a heart and this heart today speaks to us”
~ Pope Francis ~
”Nosotros no creemos en un Dios etéreo, creemos en un Dios que se hizo carne, que tiene un corazón, y ese corazón hoy nos habla así”
~ Papa Francisco ~